HEPX200 for Ontario Hydro
[1st trip]
1973 National Steel Car Quarter Century Club Report
d4.first trip May 1974
[Bulk Material]
Horizon Reference System
d5. CIA
d6. ECA
d7. Sperry test
Bulk Material Handling for Steel Mills and Cement Plants
d8. Screen house
d9. Stacker
d10. Pre-fab galleries
Trans-Canada Pipeline Pathfinders in Weld Inspections
d11. Automated pipe weld cameras for large pipe in pipelines
d12. Manual multi-purpose IR192 camera
d13. Camera travels for miles unattended in pipe <20"
Team from the Avro Arrow Deployed to Other Projects
d14. Air-data computer test set and pitot adapters for Corsairs
d15. Parallax between twin HRS roll bars provide safe landings at night
d16. Original HRS for helicopter recovery systems at sea
Project Manager or Project Control/Cost manager for many Major Projects
d17. Enterprise IT systems such as Supply System, shared services, and ITL Systems
d18. Project audits and closeout (F5, HLVW, EMR, CFSSU)
d19. Communications projects (TDM, MACS, SATCOM)